Fantasy vs. Reality
(via Ryan @ LA)
Ressam will get credit for the 5 years he has already been in custody; he may be out and free to do al Qaeda's bidding again in as little as 14 Qaeda's still going to be around in 14 years? Not exactly overconfident about the potential for success in the War on Terror, are we, Michelle?
Tell us some more how terrorists are only responding to regime change in Iraq, and how if only we would obey the “insurgents” there and leave Iraq, all of this would end. Tell us that some more, Mr. Galloway, tell us that some more, ladies and gentlemen of the press. Tell us all about it you tired, phoney, so-called intellectuals and sophisticates. Tell us how terror that has existed for decades is all the fault of George W. Bush and his poodles Tony Blair and John Howard.Allright, let's go over this again.
When Iranian revolutionaries entered the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 and seized 52 Americans, President Jimmy Carter dismissed reminders of America's long intervention in Iran as "ancient history." Carter's point was not merely that previous U.S. policy could not excuse the hostage taking. His adjective also implied that there was nothing of value to be learned from that history. In his view, dredging up old matters was more than unhelpful; it was also dangerous, presumably because it could only serve the interests of America's adversaries. Thus, to raise historical issues was at least unpatriotic and maybe worse.Now, as for "terrorism" being "all the fault" of George W. Bush: No, of course not - not put into stark terms like that. However, George W. Bush is the 1)current, 2)foremost, 3)most aggressive, 4)most enthusiastic, 5)most unrepentant, and 6)lyingest practicioner of destructive American foreign policy in the Middle East.
"Amateurs?" Maybe. "Dupes?" Doesn't look like it.This just smells like a copycat, which doesn't lessen the event, but would explain its quick turnaround as well as smaller scale.
THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO EWWWHmm. God help me, but my reaction to that is far from "ewww."
The thought of 48-year-old Katie Couric in low-rise jeans and a metallic silver thong.
The accident is difficult to understand it that it took place on a clear night on dry pavement at a crossroads described as "the middle of nowhere," where the view was unobstructed and the stop sign that faced Laura Welch was clearly visible. (The intersection was a two-way, not a four-way, stop.) Yet looking to only weather and road conditions to explain what happened is to miss the obvious: there were two teen girls in the car, girls who were on their way to a party and thus who likely would have been bubbling over with chatter about who would be there. Laura Welch, the driver, had turned 17 only two days earlier. She and her passenger were still of an age when they could all too easily shut out everything going on around them, even the approach of another car and the recognition of a stop sign...
Then there are the circumstances of the crash. It was 8 pm on a November night in Texas on roads far removed from any town, so it was dark. With no stop sign facing him, the doomed young man would have had no reason to slow his vehicle even if he had seen another car approaching the intersection. He therefore would have been travelling at least 50 mph. Laura Welch ran the stop sign facing her, so there is reason to assume she too was going approximately 50 mph, the speed she would have been doing if she'd had the right of way.
Ok, now we'll wait for the NY Times editorial expressing outrage, outrage over the leaker who supplied confidential info about the grand jury testimony to the Times, AP, and Washington Post. And we're sure the NY Times will demand a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate the leak.I'm guessing she'll be waiting as long as we will to see the Malkins expressing outrage, outrage over the many thousands of civilian deaths caused by American bombing.
Waiting. Waiting...
The G8 protesters did hold a vigil for the London victims, but couldn't bring themselves to keep their moonbat politics out of it. Check out their memorial banners:That's right, et cetera et cetera. See, Michelle, for some the "culture of life" doesn't end at a national border. And these particular protestors are very, very serious about war, poverty, and Iraq. So much so that their caring about the London victims doesn't preclude their continuing to care about the "Bob Geldof agenda."
"Vigil for London victims and those of war + poverty"
"In the name of peace for victims of violence everywhere, we're thinking of you, London +Iraq etc etc"
Et cetera, et cetera?
We knew these selfish obstructionists to winning the war against radical Islam had no brains ("F**k G8!").No shame, eh? Well, okay. I guess I'll admit that using these attacks as a magnifying glass to call attention to one's own personal political agenda may be a little bit crass.
We now know they have no shame.
#13 Sean II 7/7/2005 06:13AM PDTJust to take one example.
Can we eradicate Islam now, please?
Mark Steyn asks:Reading that quote makes me want to sputter comically.After the initial shock of stumbling over the truth, what will Britain do? Go back to the Bob Geldof agenda or avenge her dead?
It’s an orchestrated right-wing attack that brings the mainstream media in. If they make enough noise. Here’s how they do it: go into a press conference in Washington and the guy stands in the back from Fox and just screams the same question over and over and over again to the point where the other reporters are, my God.he's stating anything but clearly observable facts.